<p>LetÆs assume that your computer fails to boot because of a virus attack
or corruption of some system critical files. But youÆve got the bootable
<A class="glossterm" href="javascript:kadovTextPopup(this)" id="HotSpot27559">backup</A><span class=glosstext style="display: 'none';" id=POPUP27559 > The term backup originates from the time when the best way to protect valuable information was to store it in form of archives on external media. It's become now a general notion to mean making duplications of data for protection purposes.</span> capsule containing a backup of your hard disk. ThatÆs just enough
to easily get your system back on track again.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>To restore your hard disk from a backup image contained in the backup
capsule when the current OS is down, please do the following:</p>
<p><b style="font-weight: bold;">This scenario implies that you have got
a <A class="glossterm" href="javascript:kadovTextPopup(this)" id="HotSpot30174">bootable archive</A><span class=glosstext style="display: 'none';" id=POPUP30174 > is created by adding a special bootable section when backing up the data to CD/DVDs. Thus you will be able to restore the data from these archives without having to run the program, but by simply booting from these CD/DVDs.</span> on your CD/DVD.</b></p>
<p> </p>
<p><b style="font-weight: bold;">In case the backup image is stored on
several CD/DVD disks, please insert the first one.</b></td></tr>
<p> </p>
<p class="whs16">2.<span style="font: 7.0pt 'Times New Roman';"><font size=1 style="font-size:7pt;">
</font></span>Restart the computer.</p>
<p class="whs16">3.<span style="font: 7.0pt 'Times New Roman';"><font size=1 style="font-size:7pt;">
</font></span>In the boot menu select <b>Normal Mode</b> to use the Linux recovery
environment (more preferable) or <b>Safe Mode</b> to use the PTS DOS recovery
environment (in case youÆve got problems with Linux). Moreover youÆve
got the option to boot into the <b>Low-Graphics Safe Mode</b> (PTS DOS
safe mode) to cope with a serious hardware incompatibility. In this case,
only the minimal set of drivers will be included, like hard disk, monitor,
and keyboard drivers. This mode has simple graphics and a simple menu.</p>
<li class=kadov-p><p><span>On the <b>Choose a Recorder</b> page, select
a recorder from the list of available devices and then set a <A class="glossterm" href="javascript:kadovTextPopup(this)" id="HotSpot26378">volume label</A><span class=glosstext style="display: 'none';" id=POPUP26378 > or Partition Label is a small textual field (up to 11 characters) that is located in the partition's boot sector. This value is used for notification purposes only. It is detectable by any partitioning tool including the DOS FDISK utility. Modern operating systems save it within a file system, e.g. as a special hidden file. Thus it is able to contain a relatively large amount of text in multiple languages.</span>
by entering it in the appropriate field.</span></p></li>